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[1] Séamus Nevin, “Richard Cantillon – the Father of Economics”, History Ireland Vol. 21, No. 2 (March/April 2013), pp. 20-23

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[3] Mark Casson, “The Entrepreneur – An Economic Theory”, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1982.

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[5] Leo-Paul Dana, “Entrepreneurship, innovation and change in developing countries”, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change 1 (2), June, 231—242, 1992.

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[18] Summaries of the 12 top essays, Florian Rasmerg, 2010

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[24] A. Marshall, “Principles of Economics”, 9th edition, Macmillan, 1961.

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[31] William A. Sahlman, "How to Write a Great Business Plan", Harvard Business Review August 1997.

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